The Ultimate Guide to Getting More Speaking Engagements at Virtual Summits

As a coach, speaker, course creator, or event producer, you know the value of getting more speaking engagements at virtual summits. Virtual summits are the new way of sharing knowledge, growing your audience, and promoting your products and services. But, how do you stand out from the crowd and get booked as a speaker in these events?

Don’t worry!

We’re going to discuss various strategies to make yourself attractive to virtual summit hosts, and some of the benefits of listing yourself in our speaker directory at

1. Establish Your Expertise

First and foremost, you need to showcase your expertise in your field. Hosts want speakers who can share valuable, timely, and relevant insights. To demonstrate your credibility, take these steps:

  • Develop and maintain a professional website, blog, or vlog with well-researched, informative content.
  • Showcase your credentials: certifications, degrees, awards, recognitions, etc.
  • Share case studies, testimonials, and success stories from your clients or students.
  • Collaborate with other experts on joint ventures, podcasts, or guest blogging opportunities.

2. Hone Your Speaking Skills

Communication is key, and this couldn’t be more true when it comes to virtual summits. To ensure your message gets across effectively, follow these tips:

  • Practice public speaking regularly: join a Toastmasters club or speak at local events, workshops, and conferences.
  • Record and analyze your presentations to spot areas for improvement.
  • Invest in professional training, coaching, or courses for public speaking and presentation skills.
  • Experiment with different styles, formats, and storytelling techniques.

3. Network, Network, Network

The professional relationships you build in your industry can play a significant role in opening doors for speaking opportunities. To help you do this:

  • Join industry-specific online communities, LinkedIn groups, or Facebook groups.
  • Attend other virtual summits, workshops, or networking events to connect with peers and organizers.
  • Reach out to summit organizers or past speakers to ask for advice or referrals.
  • Offer to help event organizers proactively, which will help establish goodwill and increase the chances of being asked to speak at their event.

4. Create a Compelling Speaker Profile

Your speaker profile is like your resume. It should be engaging, up-to-date, and show your expertise concisely. When crafting your profile, follow these guidelines:

  • Write a captivating bio that highlights your professional accomplishments, expertise, and personality.
  • Include a high-quality, professional-looking photo that conveys your personality and energy.
  • List your previous speaking engagements, titles of your presentations, and testimonials or feedback from attendees.
  • Include links to samples of your presentations: slides, videos, podcasts, or relevant blog posts.

A great place to showcase your profile is the Eventraptor speaker directory. By signing up at, you can make yourself visible to event organizers and increase your chances of getting discovered for their virtual summits.

5. Offer an Engaging Presentation

Virtual conferences are often content-rich events, and your presentation should aim to be one of the highlights. Keep the following tips in mind for a powerful presentation:

  • Understand the audience and their needs: tailor your content to be relevant, useful, and actionable.
  • Develop a compelling title and description that piques curiosity and sparks interest.
  • Emphasize interactivity through Q&As, interactive polls, or group exercises.
  • Use slides judiciously: keep them visually appealing, concise, and clutter-free.

6. Leverage Social Media

Grow your online presence and showcase your expertise through different social media channels:

  • Share relevant content consistently: articles, infographics, short video snippets, etc.
  • Engage with your followers by responding to comments, DMs, and participating in relevant conversations.
  • Participate in Twitter Chats, LinkedIn groups, or organized hashtag discussions.
  • Go live on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn to share your expertise directly with your audience.

7. Embrace Rejection and Keep Trying

It’s important to remember that not every submission will result in an invitation to speak. Embrace the process, learn from the feedback, and continuously refine your approach. Keep looking for opportunities, submit multiple proposals, and stay resilient!

A great resource to find events to submit your proposal to is the Eventraptor event listing at Browse through our curated list of events, and you’re sure to find a virtual summit where your expertise will be a valuable addition.

In Conclusion

There you have it! A comprehensive guide to making you more attractive to virtual summit hosts and securing more speaking engagements. By establishing your expertise, honing your speaking skills, networking, creating a compelling speaker profile, offering engaging presentations, leveraging social media, and staying persistent, you’re well on your way to becoming a sought-after speaker on the virtual summit circuit.

Don’t forget to list yourself in our speaker directory at and keep an eye on the latest events at Wishing you the best in your pursuit of virtual summit success!